Teacher Training represents a significant commitment, and the majority of our trainees refrain from employment during their training year. To assist trainees, financial support is offered to cover university fees and living expenses throughout the training period.

All trainees are required to pay course fees, which amount to £9,250 (or £16,800 for international students), directly to their training provider—in our case, Nottingham Trent University or Bishop Grosseteste University.

For UK citizens, there are four types of available funding:

  1. A means-tested tuition fee loan covering university tuition fees.
  2. A means-tested maintenance loan supporting living costs.
  3. Additional financial support for parents, individuals with disabilities, and veterans of the armed forces.
  4. Tax-free bursaries or scholarships for specific secondary subjects, provided in installments throughout the year.

In the 2025-26 training year, bursaries and scholarships are accessible for trainees with an honours degree class of 1st, 2:1, or 2:2 (bursaries only), for the subjects listed below:

Art and Design£10,000n/a
Design and Technology£25,000n/a
Religious Education£10,000n/a

Please note: all bursaries are subject to trainees meeting the full conditions of an offer to enter teacher training.

What is a student loan?

A student loan constitutes a sum of money provided to support your living expenses (up to £13,022) or to cover all or part of your university tuition fees (up to £9,250).

These loans are means-tested, with the household income of trainees assessed to determine the amount offered, prioritizing those in greater financial need. Nearly all trainees qualify for student loans. Repayments are made at a low rate from your future earnings, and repayment only commences if your income reaches at least £27,000. Any outstanding loan is written off after 30 years.

For further details, refer to Tuition fee and maintenance loans.

What is a bursary?

A bursary is a monetary sum disbursed to you in installments throughout your study period. The bursary amount varies annually, influenced by the demand for teachers in specific phases or subjects, and it is determined by the Department for Education (DfE).

Trainees with a degree classification of 1st, 2:1, or 2:2 are eligible for a bursary when training in certain phases or subjects (refer to the table above). Bursaries do not require repayment.

For additional information, explore Teacher training bursaries.